As a carrier of medicine, gelatin empty capsule is soluble in water, which is beneficial to the drug to exert its maximum efficacy. It masks the taste of the drug and solves the problem of difficulty swallowing. It is one of the commonly used forms of medicines and supplements. Capsules dissolve quickly, reliably and safely, so capsule drugs have good bioavailability. But long-term research and practice have shown that gelatin capsules are not without any side effects.

Oral gelatin capsules may cause allergic reactions, which have also been reported in previous news. The main component of the gelatin capsule shell is gelatin. Some patients are allergic to gelatin, which can lead to drug symptoms and redness, diarrhea and other adverse symptoms. In addition, the inactive ingredients contained in the capsule coating may also cause an allergic or intolerant adverse reaction to different individuals. However, the prevalence of allergies caused by capsules is extremely low.

gel caps

Excessive levels of heavy metals are another hazard that capsules may cause. Excessive intake of chromium in capsules may affect the body's antioxidant system, and it is easy to get some chronic oxidative diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Hexavalent chromium and its compounds can damage the skin, cause dermatitis, pharyngitis, etc., damaging the respiratory system, cause pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases, damaging the digestive system, and cause gastritis, stomach ulcers and intestinal ulcers.

In general, rigorously tested FDA-compliant capsules have virtually no side effects during normal use as prescribed. If you have an adverse reaction during the medication, you need to seek the help of your doctor in time to avoid more serious consequences. If you are sure that you are allergic to gelatin, you can take botanical capsule drugs or tablets, liquids, etc.