A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that people taking omega-3 fish oil supplements are less likely to have heart disease and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) events than those taking placebo.

According to reports, the study involved data on approximately 26,000 people participating in VITAL clinical trials. It found a "promising signal" for people who consumed vitamin D-rich vitamin D supplements and omega-3 fatty acids with certain benefits associated with cancer mortality and heart attack.

oil capsule

For those who consume less than 1.5 servings of fish per week, this benefit is greatest, suggesting that the benefits of eating more fish in the diet are similar to supplementing fish oil. In addition, the researchers also found that taking vitamin D supplements has certain benefits. For example, it has nothing to do with the risk of developing cancer, but it is associated with a significant decline in cancer mortality.

Relatively speaking, people with lower fish consumption are more likely to benefit from omega-3 in fish oil. But if you want to prevent heart disease, just supplementing fish oil supplements is not enough. People need to strengthen their heart function in daily life, maintain healthy living habits and eating habits, and combine with exercise to build a strong body immune system.

Reference: Study finds omega-3 supplements may reduce risk of heart attack