Wild vegetables have a unique flavor that appeals to some consumers to buy or pick. In order to help consumers safely eat wild vegetables, special consumption tips are as follows.

First, the environment should pay attention to, reasonable picking and preservation of ecology.

Picking wild vegetables must pay attention to avoiding environmental pollution areas, such as chemical plants, sewage, roads, landfills and other nearby areas, even if the wild vegetables in these places are flourishing, do not pick and eat. Pick wild vegetables and do not choose unfamiliar and unrecognized varieties to avoid damage caused by eating poisonous wild vegetables.
Some wild vegetables are herbaceous plants. Do not pick up roots when picking. Wild vegetables can continue to grow with roots. Do not over-pick wild vegetables to maintain the sustainable growth of wild vegetables and avoid damage to the ecological environment.

Second, the purchase of storage has to pay attention to, edible wild vegetables skillfully handled.

If consumers need to buy wild vegetables, they should go to the regular market or supermarket to buy fresh wild vegetables, and keep the purchase vouchers, not at roadside stalls or mobile stalls. It is best to buy it now, do not store it for a long time, so as to avoid the deterioration of wild vegetables due to improper storage.
Wild vegetables are eaten in a variety of ways, such as cold, fried and cooked, used as a side dish to make soup. When eating wild vegetables, remove the rotten parts and wash them thoroughly. Some wild vegetables are slightly toxic and need to be cooked, soaked, etc. to ensure that they are cooked and cooked.

Third, the daily diet is balanced, and special people need to pay attention.

According to the food classification of modern nutrition, wild vegetables belong to vegetables, contain a variety of plant compounds such as flavonoids, and only edible wild vegetables are difficult to meet the nutrients required by the human body, and should pay attention to food diversification and dietary balance. Some wild vegetables may contain natural toxins. Eating wild vegetables is important in early adopters and tastes. Don't be greedy. Old people, infants, pregnant women, lactating women, allergies and other people try not to eat or eat less. If you have any discomfort after eating wild vegetables, you should promptly vomit and carry the remaining wild vegetables and vomit to the hospital.